tags: Tuesday
Attending: Will, Dom, JM, Frances, Khaled, Chris, Tom, Jason, Muhanad, Kevin, Kyle, Seb, Petr, David S, Melissa, Andreas
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- IDR Frances:
- next release idr0161 - lots of IF channels and antibodies. Annotated, now rendering settings.
- Release will try to include mapr redirect (replace with searchengine) 9th Dec
- Meeting with NFDI data stewards last week. Plan to present workflow in more detail next time TBD
- Searchengine indexing data from multiple sources - PR open and testing ongoing
- Fixed build (Java stack, required Java 11). Planned release delayed.
- Check merge-ci tomorrow then release OMERO.server and OMERO.web in next day or 2.
- This will include new LUTs and support dynamic listing of new LUTs
- Bio-Formats Melissa:
- 8.0.1 release last Thursday.
- Release process cleanup: homebrew, octave docker etc.
- Review open PRs next week. No more releases expected this year.
- ome-zarr-py update to use latest zarr-python, using main branch. Most tests passing.
- GerBI
- Tom presenting OMERO at internal workshop https://gerbi-gmb.de/event/ymia-mini-series-workshop-how-to-use-omero-for-image-processing-with-jupyter-notebooks/
- Glencoe
- CBIAS next week. Talk & workshop
- Community Jason:
- Update on CZI Imaging the Future last week
- CZI funding covering many imaging domains, Light, EM, medical etc. Lots of interest in OME-Zarr etc.
- Multi-modal, transformations support needed
- BINA OME Meeting, April 28-May1, MBL, Woods Hole
- Max 75 attendees, talks accessed virtually. Fees include accommodation, food etc.
- Team Meeting Friday, agenda incoming, lots to discuss. See proposals in gdocs - ask if access needed.
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)