
Attending: Seb, Andreas, Dominik, Frances, June, Mark, Petr, Wilma, David, Jean-Marie, Simon, Melissa, Jason, Erin, Chris, Emil
Start: 2:00 pm UK
Project Status
(2-3 minutes each)
- Frances: prod89 released today incl. 2 new studies:
- idr0094 second Sars-COV-2 dataset. Upcoming press release
- idr0091 bacterial time-lapse imaging study
- Seb: Trying to ramp up on a set features
- HCS metadata layout/spec for OME-Zarr
- Notebooks with a parallelizable analysis
- Thumbnail microservice in IDR
- Some form of visualization of the plate layout
- Export of the images
- Dataset: idr0033
- Mark: OMERO 5.6.3 released last week
- Bio-Formats 6.6
- Seb: most API changes opened for inclusion in minor release. Focusing on testing and identifying blockers
- memoization for sub-readers requires more investigation/discussion. Pushed to a follow-up minor release.
- post release considerations: OMERO, IDR, bioformats2raw
- David: starting to finalize next week.
- ETA: end of next week or the week after
- Simon: can the IDR Bio-Formats fork be dropped?
- Seb: further reducing the divergence (a few readers). Still a few places (memoization, Screen)
- Jason: outside IDR use case, worth looking into ways to communicate the API value to Bio-Formats consumers
- Seb: few examples demonstrating the usage of these concepts.
- Look into something to complement the detailed release notes e.g. blog post or similar
- SA
- Simon: nightshade upgrade incl. GPFS upgrade
- Seb: also fix the temp file filling up as part of downtime?
- Simon: originally tried to reduce the impact of files download. Other paths might be involved
- Glencoe
- Chris: fixing series of issues in bioformat2raw.
- Community
- Petr: Likely two workshops at the end of November
- McGill and Goteborg: want shorter workshops (user-targetted)
- Jason: NIH Funding for 4DN project
- UI integrating OMERO with genomics, loci, in-situ
- 5 years of 80% FTE
- Need to work out communication.
- Petr: series of workshops will happen next year
(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)
- Mark’s last Tuesday meeting!
Main Topic
(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)