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Attending: Josh, Will, Frances, Mark, Chris, Simon, Petr, Melissa, Sebastien, Wilma,

David, Dominik, Jason, Jean-Marie, Andreas, Emil,

Start: 2:00 pm

  1. Accepting minutes from last meeting

  2. Project Status

(2-3 minutes each)

«««< HEAD

    -   <img src="../images/2020-06-23-image1.png" alt="zarr schema" style="width:3.34896in;height:1.55926in" />

0a37477… Add alt - Simon working on spec

    -   Dundee team working on ‘bottom’ path above

    -   GS working on ‘top’ path.

    -   Omero-rois (python, OME team) used in IDR

    -   Omero-roitool (Java, GS) uses existing Java libs

-   ITK
    > [<u>inquiry</u>](https://github.com/Kitware/itk-vtk-viewer/issues/315)
    > about location of spec to add support

-   From napari zulip,
    > [<u>https://github.com/tlambert03/napari-omero</u>](https://github.com/tlambert03/napari-omero)

    -   Good to support masks

-   Discussion with Erich Bremer - Stony Brook.

    -   Mostly were discussing the intersection of RDF with binary
        > data

        -   See [<u>\[2005.06469\] Representing Whole Slide Cancer
            > Image Features with Hilbert
            > Curves</u>](https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.06469)

        -   Spatially indexed representation of polygons to overlay
            > on images

        -   Done via a column store-like representation which could
            > be used within Zarr.

        -   … &gt; Pathology … &gt; … &gt; DICOM …

    -   But: Was unclear on tile server feature. Upcoming
        > publication of one (IIF-compatible) which could be
        > submitted back. Also has an CECOG-like HTTP implementation
        > for Bio-Formats.

    -   Also, successfully using
        > [<u>native-image</u>](https://www.graalvm.org)
        > (from GraalVM) to compile Bio-Formats to native code.

        -   Doesn’t support reflection - manual effort required

    -   Awaiting publication etc.
  1. AOB

(5 min. max; tech. Discussion should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled)

  1. Main Topic

(20-25 minutes plus 15 minutes questions max)

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