Release of Bio-Formats 6.14.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 6.14.0

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Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 6.14.0 with a number of format improvements. We have also marked as deprecated a number of older components which rely on external libraries. The full details of these are listed as below, with removal intended for Bio-Formats 7.0.0. For users who wish to retain support for files using these readers or codecs, we recommend converting these file-sets to an actively maintained open format such as OME-TIFF. This can be achieved using the Bio-Formats bfconvert command line tool as outlined in the command line tools documentation.

The full list of changes included in this release are as follows:

Deprecation warnings:

File format fixes and improvements:

Bio-Formats improvements:

Documentation improvements:

Component updates:

July 5, 2023

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